Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Language of Home

This week I've been sending the little B into his preschool for a few hours or "half school" as he likes to call it. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough "me" time and that my patience would run thin. Happily, it seems that a little over 2 hours of "me" time is enough to make the patience cup runneth over. I was also worried that I wouldn't fill his days with enough stimulation and fun. It turns out we didn't need an enrichment class, a craft kit or anything else but time to.....

                                                                   Write love notes

Light the last candle on the menorah and taste-test Suganiyot.

                                               Play for hours with his new toys.

                                                For a walk around the block with a new friend.

What a precious gift this extra time is! I 

Monday, August 29, 2011

So torn

Route 4 in Mendon, 5 minutes from where I grew up. via Rutand Herald
I am so torn today. Torn between checking up on my family in Vermont and being present here in NJ where I am home with B. Keep thinking how this is one of the main roads by my parents house (right)

Torn between preparing for the new school year and my incoming K kids and savoring this last bit of summer.

So I am alternating between doing all of that.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Water play day

It began yesterday with the freezing of the squaddies.

With a giggling Ben in tow we put the container in the freezer and wondered how long it would take to freeze them. "Meet me on the couch, Mama. Let's wait together." Sit on the couch and wait we did....about five minutes...and Ben was mystified when the squaddies sloshed around, not frozen at all. Again, an hour later at my suggestion, he ran to he freezer to check. No ice.

This morning he was delighted to discover them frozen and tickled at the idea of them helping us to keep our lunch cold at Pier 6.

With Bubbie, his cousin and her nanny we ventured to Pier 6. The kids climbed and splashed, outing water over Bubbie and themselves.

And u wondered about the distance between youth and adulthood. I would have been all over the wet slippery rocks too.

At home Ben examined the block of ice again, calling upstairs to me and Daddy, "I need something pointy!" Daddy showed him how hot water would melt the ice. When the ice was long gone Ben ran back and forth from various areas of the house bringing different squaddies to dunk in the water. "They're bigger!" He exclaimed happily. I think more water play is in order, don't you think?

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