Thursday, July 28, 2011

Water play day

It began yesterday with the freezing of the squaddies.

With a giggling Ben in tow we put the container in the freezer and wondered how long it would take to freeze them. "Meet me on the couch, Mama. Let's wait together." Sit on the couch and wait we did....about five minutes...and Ben was mystified when the squaddies sloshed around, not frozen at all. Again, an hour later at my suggestion, he ran to he freezer to check. No ice.

This morning he was delighted to discover them frozen and tickled at the idea of them helping us to keep our lunch cold at Pier 6.

With Bubbie, his cousin and her nanny we ventured to Pier 6. The kids climbed and splashed, outing water over Bubbie and themselves.

And u wondered about the distance between youth and adulthood. I would have been all over the wet slippery rocks too.

At home Ben examined the block of ice again, calling upstairs to me and Daddy, "I need something pointy!" Daddy showed him how hot water would melt the ice. When the ice was long gone Ben ran back and forth from various areas of the house bringing different squaddies to dunk in the water. "They're bigger!" He exclaimed happily. I think more water play is in order, don't you think?

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Here are some of the challenges we took on today:
---dealing with the fact that we watched too much tv this morning (and with the fact that I have got to actively try to get more sleep thus getting me already to be a functioning adult sooner) and playing or reading quietly when tired
---going into the big scary closet and gathering up a lot of things and clothing to donate, consign, throw away and recycle
---giving myself limits on how much fabric and yarn I can store
---eating healthier foods
---not getting hung up on my plans for the day
--letting a little helper elf try to crochet on his own

So at it has been a busy and fun day, even if it is not what I imagined. What were your challenges today?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone