Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Language of Home

This week I've been sending the little B into his preschool for a few hours or "half school" as he likes to call it. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough "me" time and that my patience would run thin. Happily, it seems that a little over 2 hours of "me" time is enough to make the patience cup runneth over. I was also worried that I wouldn't fill his days with enough stimulation and fun. It turns out we didn't need an enrichment class, a craft kit or anything else but time to.....

                                                                   Write love notes

Light the last candle on the menorah and taste-test Suganiyot.

                                               Play for hours with his new toys.

                                                For a walk around the block with a new friend.

What a precious gift this extra time is! I